
Killer abs Exercises for an amazing core

Don't do a
single crunch!

Do these five crunch-free moves and get sexy, toned abs just in time for summer.

Hate crunches, but want to build a strong, sexy core before bathing suit season officially hits? It's less complicated than you think. Because if you want great abs fast, you not only need to focus on reducing your overall body fat, you need to know the right moves to get the toned, slim look you want. And luckily for you, that doesn't have to include a single crunch!

Do these five moves on a consistent basis, and you'll get killer abs before you know it. And since not one of these moves requires equipment or even much space, you have no excuses not to do them!

1Plank jumps

Plank jumps

How to do it: 

Start in a plank position with your shoulders directly over your elbows. Jump your feet as far as you can toward your hands.

Jump back to the starting position and repeat.

2V ups

V ups

How to do it: 

Lie on your back while stretching your arms overhead and keeping your legs straight. Simultaneously raise your arms and legs as high as you can, keeping them as straight as possible. Try and touch your feet to your hands.

Lower down and repeat.

3T plank twists

T plank twists

How to do it: 

Start in a plank position, with your shoulders directly over your hands. Tighten your abs, glutes and thighs, and then rotate your torso and legs to one side so that your body is facing away from the ground. Simultaneously, raise your arm to the sky so that your body forms a "T."

Lower back down to the plank position and repeat on the opposite side.

4Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers

How to do it: 

Start in the push-up position. Bring one knee toward your chest as far as it will go.

Repeat with the other knee, so it feels like you’re running in place.

5Bicycle twists

Bicycle twists

How to do it: 

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Bring one knee toward your chest, simultaneously twisting so that your opposite elbow is almost touching your knee. Make sure and engage your abs!

Switch legs and elbows and repeat on the opposite side.

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